When To Use And How To Read The MACD Indicator

J.B. Maverick is an active trader, commodity futures broker, and stock market analyst 17+ years of experience, in addition to 10+ years of experience as a finance writer and book editor. Asktraders is a free website that is supported by our advertising partners. As such we may earn a commision when you make a purchase after following a link from our website.

What is MACD in Stock Market

During the trending phase (#4) the MACD stayed above the 0-line once again. A great indicator like the MACD, when used in conjunction with other analytical techniques can help to greatly improve your accuracy, and provide you with a tried and tested trading method. Just make sure that your pitchfork is sloping into the direction you want to trade. Once the MACD confirmed that the conditions were ripe to enter, the sell order was placed at 59.30 with a stop-loss order above the red warning line at 60.80. Look at what happened when the price reached the 100% and 1.618% Fib Extension levels. Support came in, and on both occasions, the price started correcting higher.

Moving Average Overbought/Oversold Conditions

Therefore, it is recommended to use price action to assist with trading decisions when using the MACD. Because the MACD indicator tracks past pricing data, it falls into the lagging indicator category. Therefore, the MACD is less useful for stocks that are not trending (trading in a range) or are trading with unpredictable price action. Nevertheless, the indicator can demonstrate whether the bullish or bearish movement in the price is strengthening or weakening and help spot entry and exit points for trades. MACD works perfectly when there are clear uptrends and downtrends in stock price movements. However, MACD crossovers might give false signals when the market is moving sideways.

How to read the Moving Average Convergence Divergence indicator?

As you can see in the figure below, transaction signals are generated when the MACD line (the blue line) crosses through the signal line (nine-period EMA – orange line). Some traders will look for bullish divergences even when the long-term trend is negative because they can signal a change in the trend, although this technique is less reliable. Both measure momentum in a market, but because they measure different factors, they sometimes give contrary results. The RSI may show a reading above 70 (overbought) for a sustained period, indicating a market is overextended to the buy side of recent prices. In contrast, the MACD indicates that the market is still increasing in buying momentum. Either indicator may signal an upcoming trend change by showing divergence from price (price continues higher while the indicator turns lower, or vice versa).

Understanding MACD trading strategy: An educational guide

The zero-cross strategy could be used again to take a long position when the MACD crosses the zero line from below. At the point circled in our image, prices have been rising and momentum is up. The MACD histogram is a visual representation of the difference between the MACD and its nine-day EMA—not highs and lows.

How Do Traders Use Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)?

Indeed, using a divergence signal as a forecasting tool can be relatively unreliable. A divergence trade is not as error-free as it appears in hindsight since past data will only include successful divergence signals. Therefore, visual inspection of past chart https://www.broker-review.org/ data won’t give any insight into failed divergences since they no longer appear as a divergence. It is the difference between the current stock price and the lowest low in the last 14 days, divided by the difference between the highest high and the lowest low.

What Are MACD Divergences?

When the 12-day EMA is below the 26-day EMA, the MACD value is negative. The greater the magnitude of the MACD, the stronger will be the downward trend. An approximated MACD can be calculated by subtracting the value of a 26 period Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from a 12 period EMA. The shorter EMA is constantly converging toward, and diverging away from, the longer EMA.

The first green circle shows our first long signal, which comes from the MACD stock indicator. The second green circle highlights when the TRIX breaks zero and we enter a long position. At the end of the day, your trading style will determine which option best meets your requirements.

  1. As the top section showing the S&P 500 price in the chart below shows, the market has marched higher for much of 2023, but has trended a bit lower in August.
  2. Using the MACD histogram and MACD divergence warnings are two other methods of using the MACD.
  3. The signal line is calculated by taking the difference between the two EMAs, and from that number create a nine-day moving average.
  4. The MACD’s a, b, and c parameters are generally set to MACD(12,26,9).
  5. Another member of the price oscillator family is the detrended price oscillator (DPO), which ignores long term trends while emphasizing short term patterns.

Especially for trend traders, the MACD can be a helpful indicator because it analyzes trends and momentum effectively. Thus, traders should focus more on price action and trends instead of MACD divergence. This is because MACD divergence when on its own, doesn’t signal a reversal in price with the precision required for day trading.

A bullish signal line crossover can be observed when the MACD line crosses above the signal line. On the contrary, a bearish crossover occurs when the MACD line crosses below the signal line. Since moving averages accumulate past price data in accordance with the settings specifications, it is a lagging indicator by nature. It is simply designed to track trend or momentum changes in a stock that might not easily be captured by looking at price alone. Fitch’s US credit rating downgrade (plus a warning on some bank ratings). The list of reasons why investors could think stocks might head lower over the short term appears substantial.

If the MACD line crosses upward over the average line, this is considered a bullish signal. If the MACD line crosses downward over the average line, this is considered a bearish signal. A bullish signal occurs when the histogram goes from negative to positive. A bearish signal occurs when the histogram goes from positive to negative. See the bottom section of the chart below for a sense of what MACD looks like. Since the MACD is based on moving averages, it is a lagging indicator.

One way to identify a trend is to use the 200-day moving average. If a trader wants to enter a trade, he can apply the 200-day moving average to the price chart to determine if prices are consistently trading above the average range. The EMAs gravitate around the zero line and occasionally cross, diverge, and converge. By monitoring these movements, traders can recognize key trading signals like a divergence, a centerline, or a signal line crossover.

Notice that MACD is required to be positive to ensure this downturn occurs after a bounce. This scan reveals stocks that are trading above their 200-day moving average and have a bullish signal line crossover in MACD. Notice that MACD is ifc markets review required to be negative to ensure this upturn occurs after a pullback. This technical analysis guide explains what the moving average convergence divergence indicator (MACD) is, and how traders use it to exercise trading strategies.

Since we want to be trading with the trend, we need to determine the direction of the trend first, and when it might be coming to an end. It is when the price moves in one direction and the MACD moves in the opposite direction. A MACD crossover of the signal line indicates that the direction of the acceleration is changing. The MACD line crossing zero suggests that the average velocity is changing direction. Analysts use a variety of approaches to filter out false signals and confirm true ones. The standard setting for MACD is the difference between the 12- and 26-period Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs).

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